Friday, September 30, 2011


Was quite an exciting Friday.

In English class my teacher got delivered a mailbox - like a real mailbox. I'll explain... So my teacher sent a student out to check his staff mailbox (and generally everyone raises their hand so they can get out of class...) He comes back and comes in the room saying, " Umm... You got a mailbox...) We basically burst out laughing, while our teacher is freaking out (Later he said that he almost sweared.)

Next class was health (yes, the awkward class we must all endure.) Anyway we got to take a twenty minute nap IN CLASS has an assignment. You read correctly we were suppose to fall asleep in class. We were learning about how relaxation and sleep affect stress but who cares, we got to take a nap in class.

My last class today was science. We learned about the periodic table and other stuff but on the bright side we got to see a weird British video where they blew stuff up...

Also I had to catch up on all my homework I missed but I don't really want to bore you with that.

Next Monday is open house... so my parents get to see the school, meet the teachers, etc. Other than that I guess the only announcement is that we are two weeks away from homecoming...

Ready to sleep in,

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