Wednesday, September 21, 2011


We had another fire drill today (that makes 2...). It was rather uneventful... 

We got to play charades in science class so we could learn the safety contract. It was a fun and creative way to do it (and we actually paid attention...)

The beginning of the year also marks the time of forms. My mom absolutely hates filling out forms because year after year they're the exact same thing. 

I have another student council meeting tomorrow. We get to discuss... (are you ready)... homecoming themes. I have to talk to my homeroom class so they can come up with 3 themes they'd like to see. 

In health (where we get to discuss depression, suicide, stress, addiction, and yes sex ed.) we started our health family trees. This is so we can see if there are any genetic diseases we could inherit. 

Also I have my first quiz tomorrow in Spanish. It's on introductions and such, so wish me luck. 

So tomorrow (or the soon after) I'll come back with the homecoming themes and our first pep rally. 

I'm finally over the hump (aka Wednesday), 

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