Saturday, September 17, 2011

First Week Status: Complete

Another quick post...

So I told you on Friday we were having a local theater come in to do a performance on bullying. It happened to be on cyber bullying. It was slightly exaggerated (but it had to be or else it would be boring) and kind of cliched. But it was actually pretty good (meaning I've seen a lot worse...) 

Today we went to the Puyallup fair. Now this fair is famous for it's scones. Our family bought a total of 44 scones (but consider they were going to 2 different houses). We played some midway games, and generally spent lots of money. 

Next week should be exciting because we have technology lessons, another emergency drill, two student council meetings, a pep rally, and of course we also have to go to class.

I'm off to eat another scone, 

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