Monday, September 12, 2011

The First Day (and a sign?)

Hey Blogosphere,

So today was my first day of high school and it went something like this:

5:30 AM: My dad tries to get me out of bed.

6:00 AM: I actually get out of bed.

6:00 AM - 6:30 AM: Eat breakfast.

6:30 AM: Get ready for school

7:07 AM: Walk to bus stop....

Okay, I'm going to stop doing my timetable because it's even boring me a little. So we got to school and they funneled us into the school (with lots of noise, cheering, and high fives). Then we got name tags with group numbers, etc. on them. We stood around for  a while before they led us to the gym. Then we stood around for a while outside of the gym before they then funneled us into the gym (with more cheering). We sat through the standard "welcome" to high school assembly before breaking off in our groups. Now their were 52 groups which was really nice because each group only had 5-7 freshman and 2 upperclassmen. 

In our groups we did ice breaking games, and a game called 64 squares (which was suppose to be a metaphor for our high school journey.) Then we went to the nurse to get our hearing and eyesite checked (which conveniently led us pass a table of cupcakes.) After scarfing down our cupcakes, we got to go to the freshman pancake breakfast. We went back into our groups to do more icebreaker activities and went on a scavenger hunt (while dressed in crazy costumes, my group did tetris pieces) for our classes. We did a final orientation in the theater before breaking off for lunch. In the afternoon we went to all our classes for about 15 minutes each. After this we went home, where I'm now writing this blog entry.

And that was my first day of high school. 

Now you noticed that "First Day" is only the partial title of this entry. This is because when I got home I was pleasantly surprised to see my Pottermore welcome letter in my inbox (yes, the one that gives me beta access which I had to wake up at 5 AM to get.) Is it a sign that I had a great first day (and of things to come in high school) or did Pottermore just get lucky? I'd like to believe the former...

I guess now my blog can look forward to all my high school shenanigans...

Getting ready for Day 2, 

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