Friday, September 30, 2011


Was quite an exciting Friday.

In English class my teacher got delivered a mailbox - like a real mailbox. I'll explain... So my teacher sent a student out to check his staff mailbox (and generally everyone raises their hand so they can get out of class...) He comes back and comes in the room saying, " Umm... You got a mailbox...) We basically burst out laughing, while our teacher is freaking out (Later he said that he almost sweared.)

Next class was health (yes, the awkward class we must all endure.) Anyway we got to take a twenty minute nap IN CLASS has an assignment. You read correctly we were suppose to fall asleep in class. We were learning about how relaxation and sleep affect stress but who cares, we got to take a nap in class.

My last class today was science. We learned about the periodic table and other stuff but on the bright side we got to see a weird British video where they blew stuff up...

Also I had to catch up on all my homework I missed but I don't really want to bore you with that.

Next Monday is open house... so my parents get to see the school, meet the teachers, etc. Other than that I guess the only announcement is that we are two weeks away from homecoming...

Ready to sleep in,

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I got tweeted about!

Okay one more thing for today.

Right after posting I went to check my stats and I saw a blog had a referring link to this blog. I clicked on the page and saw her tweets. After going to her twitter account I was surprised to see this tweet:

"Hey, check out this blog: :)"
Yes, I just copy and pasted that. I was tweeted about! (sorry about the excitement, I just thought that the only people that read my blog were my parents, their coworkers, and my family. Who all have to read so anytime they see me can say "Hey, I saw your blog entry" and be supportive. Other people actually read it!)

Okay enough excitement for tonight,

PS.  Here's the link to the tweeter's blog:

Like a (Jean) Virgin....

Sorry about the long wait for this update...

Before we get to to the title story let's do some catching up.

So the freshmen Disney movie is Alice in Wonderland. I don't know if it's the original animated version or the Tim Burton version. But it's Disney. Now for homecoming each class has to create a display case, chant, skit, and backdrop. Each class also has a mascot that they keep for all four years.

Our official school mascot is Otis the Fighting Scot. So each of the class mascots also has to be Scottish. Our class decided on...


Yes. I know what your thinking? Scotch tape! That's not even Scottish. Well you're right but I wasn't at the vote. (And if anyone's interested Scotch tape was made in Minneapolis, Minnesota.) I have no clue how we're going to include this...

I stayed home from school today because I have a bad cold. It's been going around school. I'm pretty sure most of the school is sick or has been sick in the last few weeks...

So the title story... Well anyone who knows me knows that I don't wear jeans. So this weekend I went out and got myself 2 pairs from Old Navy. I think I tried on every cut, rise, size, etc. combination possible. Anyway now I am the proud owner of two pairs of jeans, one bootcut and one skinny (and no I will not tell you what sizes.)

Not much else to tell you.

Off to catch up on homework,

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Homecoming Theme

So just one chunk of news today... the homecoming theme will be...


Each grade will pick a movie (with Seniors getting first pick, Juniors second, etc.) This means freshmen probably won't get their first choice. I'll update you later with the grade breakdown.

Also tomorrow marks our first pep assembly (I'll try to update you with the happenings of this tomorrow... if not...)

Not much else to say...

Off to Google Disney Movies,

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


We had another fire drill today (that makes 2...). It was rather uneventful... 

We got to play charades in science class so we could learn the safety contract. It was a fun and creative way to do it (and we actually paid attention...)

The beginning of the year also marks the time of forms. My mom absolutely hates filling out forms because year after year they're the exact same thing. 

I have another student council meeting tomorrow. We get to discuss... (are you ready)... homecoming themes. I have to talk to my homeroom class so they can come up with 3 themes they'd like to see. 

In health (where we get to discuss depression, suicide, stress, addiction, and yes sex ed.) we started our health family trees. This is so we can see if there are any genetic diseases we could inherit. 

Also I have my first quiz tomorrow in Spanish. It's on introductions and such, so wish me luck. 

So tomorrow (or the soon after) I'll come back with the homecoming themes and our first pep rally. 

I'm finally over the hump (aka Wednesday), 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


So picture day passed by... I was lucky enough to have pictures during first period. But there wasn't any drama...

Today we had some technology lessons... though I'm not sure how much people paid attention to it.

We also had our first student council meeting today. (I forgot to mention I'm a homeroom rep.) We went through the importance of our positions and that we are the link between student gov. and the rest of the school.

Right now student gov. (ASB) is kind of busy with a little thing called HOMECOMING. You know the dance, the class competitions, and the football game. (Though we all know freshman will come in last because the order is always seniors, juniors, sophomores, and then freshman.) I guess that you'll be seeing a lot of homecoming updates...

That's it for now (though look out for another "emergency drill" tomorrow...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Say Cheese

I forgot to mention in my last post that tomorrow is picture day. The photo that will seal my fate... I've always found it weird they do picture day so early in the year. Some people look totally different at the end of the year (when the yearbook gets published). 

Off to desperately find something to wear, 

PS. I'll update you tomorrow (or sometime after that) with all the details...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

First Week Status: Complete

Another quick post...

So I told you on Friday we were having a local theater come in to do a performance on bullying. It happened to be on cyber bullying. It was slightly exaggerated (but it had to be or else it would be boring) and kind of cliched. But it was actually pretty good (meaning I've seen a lot worse...) 

Today we went to the Puyallup fair. Now this fair is famous for it's scones. Our family bought a total of 44 scones (but consider they were going to 2 different houses). We played some midway games, and generally spent lots of money. 

Next week should be exciting because we have technology lessons, another emergency drill, two student council meetings, a pep rally, and of course we also have to go to class.

I'm off to eat another scone, 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Quick Check In...

This is just going to be quick rundown of my day. I just wanted to do this before I forget.

So I got nominated homeroom rep. today. We were suppose to hold elections but no one in my class would run. One of my friends nominated me, I was tired of no one running so I caved. Now my blog will be filled with the adventures of a student council rep....

We also held homecoming elections today. Freshman (along with sophomores and juniors) elect a Lord and Lady, while Seniors elect King and Queen. Today we did a write in vote, which will decide which names go on to the ballot vote.

Also on today's agenda was the school years first fire drill (yes it's the fourth day of school and we already had a fire drill). It happened during 6th period while I was in math. My math teacher was funny because he was trying to act nonchalant about it. He kept mentioning that we would be "interrupted" and pointing out the sign on the door (of where my class would evacuate) saying it would come in "handy." A few minutes before the alarm signaled he was even carrying around the evacuation clipboard (you know the one with green and red signs, along with an attendance sheet). We all knew it was a fire drill, it was even on the online community calender listed as "emergency drill."

Tomorrow a local theater is coming to do a performance on bullying. But that's pretty much it.

It's (almost) Friday, Friday

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Just a quick update...

So days 2 and 3 of high school are now complete. Here's a rundown of what happened:

Day 2: Went to all my classes. We did the standard who are you type stuff. I don't really know what else to write...

Day 3: Went to all my classes (again). Started semi-real classwork and went over the student handbook.

Now there is one thing that I'm not sure about with my high school. We have only one lunch period. We aren't what you call a small high school, we have about 1500 students. The one good thing is that Juniors and Seniors go off campus to eat lunch because we do boast an open campus. I'll give you an update of what it's like to go through the lunch line when I finally work up the courage to buy lunch.

That's it. I'll try to update you later this week with the full week analysis.

No longer waiting on Wednesday,

Monday, September 12, 2011

The First Day (and a sign?)

Hey Blogosphere,

So today was my first day of high school and it went something like this:

5:30 AM: My dad tries to get me out of bed.

6:00 AM: I actually get out of bed.

6:00 AM - 6:30 AM: Eat breakfast.

6:30 AM: Get ready for school

7:07 AM: Walk to bus stop....

Okay, I'm going to stop doing my timetable because it's even boring me a little. So we got to school and they funneled us into the school (with lots of noise, cheering, and high fives). Then we got name tags with group numbers, etc. on them. We stood around for  a while before they led us to the gym. Then we stood around for a while outside of the gym before they then funneled us into the gym (with more cheering). We sat through the standard "welcome" to high school assembly before breaking off in our groups. Now their were 52 groups which was really nice because each group only had 5-7 freshman and 2 upperclassmen. 

In our groups we did ice breaking games, and a game called 64 squares (which was suppose to be a metaphor for our high school journey.) Then we went to the nurse to get our hearing and eyesite checked (which conveniently led us pass a table of cupcakes.) After scarfing down our cupcakes, we got to go to the freshman pancake breakfast. We went back into our groups to do more icebreaker activities and went on a scavenger hunt (while dressed in crazy costumes, my group did tetris pieces) for our classes. We did a final orientation in the theater before breaking off for lunch. In the afternoon we went to all our classes for about 15 minutes each. After this we went home, where I'm now writing this blog entry.

And that was my first day of high school. 

Now you noticed that "First Day" is only the partial title of this entry. This is because when I got home I was pleasantly surprised to see my Pottermore welcome letter in my inbox (yes, the one that gives me beta access which I had to wake up at 5 AM to get.) Is it a sign that I had a great first day (and of things to come in high school) or did Pottermore just get lucky? I'd like to believe the former...

I guess now my blog can look forward to all my high school shenanigans...

Getting ready for Day 2, 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

New Year, New Look

I start high school tomorrow. Yeah... It's pretty crazy to think I was only in seventh grade when I started this.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness -Charles Dickens
Anyone else think that that quote fits high school?

I've finished my summer homework and tomorrow I'll enter the place where I'll spend my next four years.

Also I've changed the look of my blog a bit (you've probably noticed). I thought new school, new year, a world of possibilities. But anyway like the new look?

I'll try to update when I can... but for tonight that's it.

Don't let the high schoolers bite,