Friday, October 14, 2011

Homecoming update #4

So today was the day... the homecoming assembly...

It was two hours of non-education work (though I did learn that you can loose your sight, hearing, and voice in one event...) It was hard at the beginning because we had to stand up for an hour (okay it was more like half that but it sure felt like an hour...)

We saw skits, the homecoming court, and yelled class chants... the Seniors won everything except for the penny wars.

We were really happy about this... the freshman had been flooding their bucket with quarters (in the vain hope that the Seniors wouldn't sweep all the events...) We actually pulled something off... It was also surprising because we placed 3rd in this event (we placed 4th in all the others...)

Anyway over all it went exactly as planned (with freshman in 4th place...) but the winners of homecoming get to ring this bell (like an actual bell). The Seniors were really premature that they got out of their seats and started surrounding the bell when they had 2 more categories to announce. The staff wasn't very happy, they kept saying "Seniors get back to your section!" But when they won they formed a mosh pit and people started falling down (the underclassmen laughed at them...)

The assembly miraculously finished 15 minutes early. Teachers were telling students to go home... but then an announcement came over the PA system that we were suppose to stay to the end of the school day. Nobody really listened (though my teacher only released us when the assembly was suppose to end, 10 minutes before the end of the school day.)

Well that's it for now, I may or may not update tomorrow with the homecoming game scores... and a little info on the dance.

Ready to win 3rd place next year,

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