Monday, October 31, 2011


Sorry for not updating... but this will be a quick post...

It's that time in my life where I have to decide whether or not to go trick-or-treating... and this year is officially my first year not going... it's weird...

Anyway... I guess I'll just spend it at home - hanging out...

I'll try to update later... but until later have a Happy Halloween


PS. For all my writing blog readers it's also Nanowrimo eve... Good luck writers...

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Homecoming Update #5

So the homecoming dance is just starting... And I'm not going.

It starts at 9 PM and ends at midnight (quite appropriate for the Happily Ever After theme, that is if you're Cinderella).

But for me it's a night of tv watching...

That's it for this year's homecoming... Next weekend we'll return to a series of semi-frequent updates...

See you at next year's homecoming...

Friday, October 14, 2011

Homecoming update #4

So today was the day... the homecoming assembly...

It was two hours of non-education work (though I did learn that you can loose your sight, hearing, and voice in one event...) It was hard at the beginning because we had to stand up for an hour (okay it was more like half that but it sure felt like an hour...)

We saw skits, the homecoming court, and yelled class chants... the Seniors won everything except for the penny wars.

We were really happy about this... the freshman had been flooding their bucket with quarters (in the vain hope that the Seniors wouldn't sweep all the events...) We actually pulled something off... It was also surprising because we placed 3rd in this event (we placed 4th in all the others...)

Anyway over all it went exactly as planned (with freshman in 4th place...) but the winners of homecoming get to ring this bell (like an actual bell). The Seniors were really premature that they got out of their seats and started surrounding the bell when they had 2 more categories to announce. The staff wasn't very happy, they kept saying "Seniors get back to your section!" But when they won they formed a mosh pit and people started falling down (the underclassmen laughed at them...)

The assembly miraculously finished 15 minutes early. Teachers were telling students to go home... but then an announcement came over the PA system that we were suppose to stay to the end of the school day. Nobody really listened (though my teacher only released us when the assembly was suppose to end, 10 minutes before the end of the school day.)

Well that's it for now, I may or may not update tomorrow with the homecoming game scores... and a little info on the dance.

Ready to win 3rd place next year,

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Homecoming Update #3

So yesterday was career day...

I dressed up has a classic private eye (you know trench coat, fedora, magnifying glass, etc.) but I saw a lot of doctors scrubs. Also construction workers, fire fighters, athletes, and even a vampire author. Yesterday was also the spirit relay race... I heard that the freshman's performance was dismal at best but there is question of disqualification (I guess in the three-legged race part, the bindings came off and people just ran back...)

Now today was class theme day... For freshman it was lots of hats and bunny ears. Also I heard we placed 3rd in the dance off (beating the sophomores...) It was also the last day of the penny wars... I have no idea how the rankings to this event will turn out (though I think the Seniors have it, I saw one of them with $25+ worth of pennies, still in the rolls...) 

Tomorrow is the Spirit day and the homecoming assembly (so I'll try to remember to update...) Also we play the homecoming game tomorrow, according to my dad we're playing an undefeated team ranked 8th in the entire state...

I'll be back next time with a dish on the homecoming assembly,

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Homecoming Update #2

Updating you from school... They're doing PSAT testing today so school doesn't start until 11:00. I have about an hour to burn...

So anyway yesterday was class color day... I saw a good amount of white from the freshman... (Though some went all out with white... everything, while I just decided to go with a white t-shirt.)

Yesterday was also the tug-of-war, freshman placed 3rd... the standings were (I didn't watch it because it was pouring ran outside):


There's also a all-week event in the form of a penny war. They have buckets for each class and you try to put pennies in your bucket and silver change in the other classes'.

Today is career day and also the spirit relay race....

Anyway I'll try to update later today with the wacky careers,

BTW - This post marks the first with me being 14 years old.... Thanks for letting me burn 10 minutes...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Homecoming Update #1

So this week might be a string of quick updates for homecoming week.

So today was nerd day, and I was surprised with the sheer amount of students that happened to have suspenders. I must have seen at least 50 kids with them on... Also popular were knee socks (with or without sandals), tucked in shirts, and nerd (taped or untaped) glasses. For most people the glasses were just 3-D glasses with the lens pulled out.

I on the other had went with nerd chic... tucked in graphic tee, skinny jeans (I finally wore them to school!), and a pink tie used has a belt...

Today was also the eating competition... I didn't see it but according to my friends it was really gross (she thought they were all going to throw up by the time it was over...)

Anyway that was Day 1 (4 more days to go...)

Update you tomorrow with Class Color Day (if I remember...),

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Filler post...

I feel like I haven't posted in a while...

I was on the figment forums when a user by the name of Halle Smash posted this original poem:

I Miss Those Days:

When anything was beautiful
Everyone was kind
Everything was simple
And no worries wracked my mind
I miss those times
When bruises were why I cried
When boys said they were sorry
And mommy dried my eyes
I miss those years
That I ran around carefree
When Daddy had to go down on his knees
Something that now, he doesn't do for me
Funny how as young kids
We dream of growing up
But when we've reached that point
We wish that we could stop
And turn around.
I guess I've been thinking about this since the start of high school. I just thought I 'd put that up somewhere so I would remember it later (who knows maybe I'll use it in a graduation speech...) 
Also here's a shameless plug to check out Figment...
That's all for now,

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Homecoming Week Update

So I finally got the info for the "Happiest Homecoming on the Earth" (and yes that is the official slogan).

So here are the movies:

Seniors: Lion King
Juniors: Peter Pan
Sophomores: Mulan
Freshman: Alice in Wonderland

The spirit days:
Monday: Nerd Day (and they thought high school cliques was a bad homecoming theme because it discriminates...)
Tuesday: Class Color Day (Freshman are white... the absence of color).
Wednesday: Career Day (The signs for this say "be anything from professor to pirate... but keep it school appropriate)
Thursday: Class Theme Day (I think some classes have it easier than others...)
Friday: Spirit Day (Also the day of the homecoming assembly.)

Points are calculated by how many kids dress-up in each grade.

Last but not least, the class competitions:
Monday: Mega Bite Food Competition (Something about eating... maybe how much you can eat in one bite).
Tuesday: Tug-of-War (You'd think that the older students would have an advantage in this.)
Wednesday: Spirit Relay Race (a school-themed relay race?)
Thursday: Dance Off (self-explanatory...)

That's it for now.

I'm off to plan outfits for spirit week,

Monday, October 3, 2011

Really Quick...

Okay so today is Open House day.... but really it's curriculum night. It's basically only the parents that go and they follow your schedule around the school....

Also I had 3 of my classes switches around... yes, I know it's the 4th week of school. Anyway they added two more classes so a ton of freshman (and others) were getting their schedules switched. But now my English class is my science class, my science class is now my Spanish class, and my Spanish class is my English class.

That's about it for now... tomorrow I have another student council meeting; and Thursday we have another class meeting (and an emergency drill...)

Oh... and we have Friday off so happy 4 day week!

Check in later,

PS. This is officially my 50th post... Yay!