Thursday, May 6, 2010

Perfume - not Just for Girls

Perfume - that smelly stuff that might even be worse than body odors.

Boys wear cologne that reeks. It smells so bad. One boy sprayed it while on the bus and I almost suffocated from the bad smell. This astounds me because I was almost ten seats in front of him. The cologne literally gives me a giant headache.

Boys aren't the only one with smelly odors. The one that girls wear isn't stinky, it's the name that makes me cringe. The name of the new popular perfume that the girls wear is called "Sexy." That's right 12-13 year-old girls are wearing a perfume called "Sexy." This isn't right, I don't think that these girls should be wearing this kind of perfume - we're 12 not 20.

These are just some of the thrills and smells in middle school.

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