Friday, May 28, 2010

Long Post for a Busy Two Days

So I had a very boring week last week but these last two days have been full of things to blog about. I'll start with yesterday.

First in science we had random history lessons. We covered a lot of subjects that didn't have anything to do with science. Here are the things we covered:
  • First we talked about World War 1. This was because my science teacher had the song "The Gangs all Here" stuck in his head. Then he looked up the lyrics and played the song for us. Then the whole class started singing along. It was pretty cool.
  • Before I tell you what history lesson we had next in class you'll need to know some additional information: Everyday in science my teacher puts a quote up on the board and we have to copy it down. The quote he put up yesterday was from Gandhi. My teacher asked if anybody knew anything about him and no one offered any information. Long story short, he gave us a short history lesson on Gandhi.
  • The next history lesson was a short one about the Jonestown Massacre. We spent a very short time on this so I won't go into detail. In short, one man got over 900 people to willingly drink poison.
  • World War 2 got covered next, more specifically we talked about the Holocaust. All those innocent lives lost. It was really sad to be talking about a subject so moving.
The next two aren't history lessons but current events:
  • We talked about how Greece is in an economic downfall.
  • Then we talked about the Gulf Oil Spill. We've talked about this several times and my teacher urges us to keep up on current events.
You're probably wondering what we're studying in science. It's a really cool subject -- we are learning about environmental health -- how the environment affects human health.

While I'm on the subject of science I should say that we also get to watch some music scenes from popular plays. We've done this twice so far this year. First we got to watch two songs from "Les Miserable." We had a lot of fun watching those and my teacher says if we can ever have the chance we should see the play. Just last week though we got watch the song "Razzle Dazzle" from the musical "Chicago" We all had fun watching it! My teacher also says that the play is much better than the movie (which I haven't seen.)

Next, in PE we got to learn CPR. The fire department came in and taught all the PE classes CPR and the Heimlich maneuver. It was really fun and actually interesting. After we were down practicing on dummies our class go to play dodgeball with the firemen.

Next, it was the last day of an after-school program we have at my school and we had a giant water balloon fight (though I didn't participate because I didn't want to be wet for the 1 hour bus ride home.) It was so FUNNY! The staff had filled garbage cans with water baloons and water. Pairs of kids started picking them up and dumping them on people. It was the best time of the year.

Finally in English today we were really loud so our substitute teacher told us to be quiet or else she'd call the office. So our class started being really quiet, I mean silent. Then suddenly out of nowhere this boy pops his head into our classroom and asks, "Has anyone seen my muffin?" Then we all started laughing uncontrollably and couldn't stop. It was hilarious. Then we notice that a girl in my class is drawing oxen and mushrooms on the front board. That was when our class lost control.

This is a super-long post but I told you it was a busy last two days. By the way I might not be able to post this weekend because I have a lot of homework.

That was a very, very long post by an ordinary middle schooler.

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