Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Problem with Arizona

With all the news going around about Arizona and its new law you'd think that 7th graders would know something about its geography. We don't know much about its geographic location or shape. Some of these will even surprise the people who think we have an education problem. Here are two statements that my PE classmates thought about Arizona.
  • One girl said that Arizona was the square one. Yes she got Arizona mixed up with Colorado or Wyoming. Most people don't think that Arizona is close to square. But the shapes of states are hard to remember. This didn't make me gasp as much as the next one.
  • One boy thought that Arizona was the one next to Canada. Yes, this boy thought that Arizona was Alaska. They are not even remotely close together. Alaska and Arizona - though I guess they both start with the letter A.
Now you might be thinking that at least we know our current events because we were talking about Arizona. But you'd be wrong. We were talking about it because someone had gone to Arizona over Spring Break and he got really tan. They all wanted to know where he went so we got talking about Arizona. No politics involved.

Arizona might be in the news everyday since this law passed but before they tell us the news about the new law, they should show us a map.

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