Monday, April 12, 2010

Periods of Passing

Passing periods... that 4 minute period to get from one class to another. A friend of mine summarizes this best:

"These people are crazy."

In this small amount of time you
see people shoved, pushed and even fall down. The craziness begins once the bell rings with students rushing out of their classrooms. This isn't because they want to get to their next class, but so they can see their friends. With large groups of people congregating in small hallways, just getting through is trouble.

Another special mention award is deserved. The worst hallway intersection ever. This belongs to the 300-400 intersection. Getting through this is big trouble. You might lose your water bottle, papers, or even a class project. This is by far the most horrible hallway in school.

There are a couple ways that make it easier to get through middle school hallways:

1. Quickly go through the intersection or hallway by following someone bigger and/or taller than you.
2. Use the conga-line method. Hang on to the backpack in front of you, someone hangs on behind you. Before you you know it you'll have a line of 4-5 people leading you to your next class.

Troubles are not just with the students. The doors in our school open outwards into the hallways. This makes it very possible to get bonked in the head by a door. This can cause major traffic jams. For example, once when someone fell down, someone tripped on him, who then tripped another person. Soon 4 people were on the ground around a classroom door trying not to get trampled by others.

No matter which middle school you go to passing periods will ensue craziness and hilarity.

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