Sunday, June 3, 2012

I'm Still Alive...

Hey there Blogosphere,

I'm still alive, I know this blog has been dead for about 6 months but I'm hoping to get started posting again soon.

I have about 3 weeks of freshman year left and things are getting really busy. One of my teachers actually made the analogy that we were a train headed for a brick wall and we wouldn't be stopping, we'd be crashing into it. So you could say I'm pretty busy.

I have some ideas for this blog in the future like shorter but more frequent posts. Also I'd love to start doing reviews and adding tags to my posts.

These 3 weeks are going to pass so quickly and then I'm done with 1/4 of my high school experience (and it feels like I haven't done anything.)  

I really should be getting back to work soon but I'll try to update later this week (but then again no promises.)

(Hopefully I'll) see you in a while blogophile,

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