Friday, December 9, 2011

Winter Spirit Week!

So this week was winter spirit week. There wasn't much hype leading up to it so very few people dresses up. The one day that we did go all out for was today - Battle of the Sexes.

During the pep assembly they had 3 competitions to see "which was the better sex."

The first one was having two people from each winter sport share a pair of nylons. They tried to stuff mini balloons into them and walk across the gym and dump them in a box. They had 2 minutes to get as many balloons as possible. The girls won this event (I think it was the girl's basketball team, with the gymnastics team coming in second.)

Next there was a round of trivia. The girls go asked "boys" questions and the boys got asked "girls" questions. You can see the quotation marks means somethings up. The problem was that they used stereotypes to form the questions (I actual knew more of the "boys" questions than girls). The boys had questions about eyelash curlers and Victoria Secret. They also had a few easy ones like "What's the difference between a manicure and pedicure?" The girls questions were also pretty easy. They had questions about the super bowl and what a "pigskin" was. My friends were mad that they asked, "Which company makes the Xbox?" Which is natural because they're gamers. There questions stereotyped both sexes... Which is ridiculous. Both teams got 7 out of 7. It actually came down to a history question about the "Sun King" (who was King Loius the 14th, if you wanted to know.) The boys won this event.

If they had done this right, neither team should have gotten more than 5 points. (Of course, how does knowing interests of the other sex prove that your sex is better in the first place?)

Finally we did the "Miracle Two Minutes." Each gender got to pass 2 buckets around the stands to raise money for charity. This event came down to 2 dollars. The girls raised 132 dollars while the boys raise 134 dollars. (Though they didn't announce the two dollar difference to get us hyped up...)

The girls won the last event, which was being respectful during the assembly. (Though I think that whoever was down one point may have gotten this point so that they could have a tie...)

So the Battle of the Sexes came down to rock, paper, scissors (which is a stupid way to decide the "best sex." The girls won 2-1. And so the Battle of the Sexes was over.

I think that we can all agree that the real winners of this was all the people that will be helped with the 250 dollars we raised.

And if you wanted to know the other spirit days were:

Monday: No school
Tuesday: 80s neon day
Wednesday: Superhero day
Thursday: Western day
Friday: Battle of the Sexes (girls wear gold and boys wear green)

So that was winter spirit week.

Also happening at school is candygram selling. I didn't even know that they still did things like this. You pay 50 cents to send a note and candy cane to your friends (it even includes a "special delivery.") My lunch table sits right next to the selling table, and it seems to be doing pretty good.

A homeroom food drive for the holiday season is also going on. The top 3 winning classes will get a doughnut or pancake party. My homeroom teacher says that she'll match any of our donations up to 50 cans. We'll see how the results turn out (though my science teacher says that freshman honor classes usually win because they donate a lot.)

There's also a lunar eclipse tonight/tomorrow morning but that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

One more thing, readers make sure to go to YA Sisterhood   and take part in their heroine tournament. They're pitting our favorite fictional heroines against each other.

I'll try to update later,

PS. I'm getting my Christmas tree this weekend... just though that I'd share that fact with you guys...

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