Monday, November 30, 2015

The Last Post (Probably)

What's up Blogosphere?

I've obviously not posted on this blog for quite some time (and by that I mean literal years). A lot has changed over the past few years - for one I'm now in college. We've skipped over the the entirety of junior and senior year of high school (and two more trips to England - remember when I said that this was going to be a travel blog of my trips? Yeah... that never happened).

This blog contains a lot of good memories for me, and although some of the posts were far apart, it documents some of my best middle school and high school adventures (and some of that I rather forget- let's be serious it was middle school). Sometimes I wish that I'd kept up with the whole blogging thing. It would have been interesting to see how a Blogging Me would have interpreted college applications (Answer: not well. Two words: stress and procrastination).

This is probably the end for So Very Average Middle Schooler/High Schooler. This is a bittersweet moment for me, because this blog was basically my entrance into the internet world. I hope that this site still exists years from now and I'll be able to look back on all of these entries (it would be fun, almost like a time capsule, but also probably also really embarrassing).

That being said, this blog may have introduced me to the internet, but I certainly have not left it. If you want to keep up with what I'm doing here's a short list of where I can be found now:

Main Tumblr:

This is my main tumblr blog. I mostly reblog things about fandoms I'm in. (Also, look at the sweet homage to this blog in the name. I guess that this place stuck with me.)

Side Tumblr:

This is my side tumblr where I post out of context tidbits of my college life. I have a history of starting projects that I don't finish, but it's currently going on two months of actual posts.


This is my Youtube channel where I attempted to post videos for a while, but then sort of stopped (that sounds like a familiar story). I hope to go back to it someday because I genuinely enjoyed making videos.

Instagram: @SoVeryAverageMe

This is my Instagram account, sometimes I post pictures of my life, usually with long stretches of time in between them (okay, so maybe I have a really, really bad history with projects that I start, but don't finish. I get it, okay?).

So that's where I am now. So Very Average Middle Schooler turned into SoVeryAverageMe (it was directly inspired by an acronym from SVAMS sans the second "S").

One of the things that always bothered me about this blog was that I left it so open-ended - that this blog had no sense of closure. I hated that I left this blog with the intention of coming back (although - it turns out that Past Me wasn't wrong, just off by a few years). At times I've actually felt a little guilty about it - this is to assuage my guilt.

This blog's time has come to a close, but my so very average life hasn't - if you want to keep up with me, check out any of the above sites. (Also, I'm really enjoying writing this blog entry - maybe it's time to get back into the blogging game? I think that might be a project for another day).

So this is it. Thanks for sticking with me all this time.

Signing off for the last time on this blog (well... probably - I can't predict the future),
SoVeryAverageMe (formerly known as SVAMS)

PS. Come on, I couldn't leave this off without one more "PS." But seriously, I've been reading some of the old entries and it's amazing how far I've come (hopefully as a slightly better writer, some of the old entries are pretty cringe-worthy. Also - Past Me, what is with this font?) Okay, I should seriously end this thing now. Thanks all.

Monday, September 10, 2012


It's the first day of Sophomore year...

Sometimes you can't help but wonder where all the time has gone. I'm still having a hard time believing that freshman year is over. My cousin is starting middle school. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday we were having a joint birthday party while wearing princess tiaras.

Yesterday we celebrated my youngest cousin's second birthday. You can't help but to ask yourself where all the time has gone...

I have to catch the bus in 45 minutes to start a brand new year. (Pro of not being a freshman - the first day of school doesn't start until 12:30).

A lot has changed in the past year. I'm never going to get to relive my freshman year of high school again. The next the Summer Olympics come around I'll have graduated high school. I guess that growing up isn't just one day you're a kid and the next you're an adult. It's a slow process that comprises of every moment in our lives.

It's amazing how fast life goes when you're living it. 

I have to go get ready. I'll try to get this blog back on some kind of schedule.

Until next time, and to a great year,

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I'm Still Alive...

Hey there Blogosphere,

I'm still alive, I know this blog has been dead for about 6 months but I'm hoping to get started posting again soon.

I have about 3 weeks of freshman year left and things are getting really busy. One of my teachers actually made the analogy that we were a train headed for a brick wall and we wouldn't be stopping, we'd be crashing into it. So you could say I'm pretty busy.

I have some ideas for this blog in the future like shorter but more frequent posts. Also I'd love to start doing reviews and adding tags to my posts.

These 3 weeks are going to pass so quickly and then I'm done with 1/4 of my high school experience (and it feels like I haven't done anything.)  

I really should be getting back to work soon but I'll try to update later this week (but then again no promises.)

(Hopefully I'll) see you in a while blogophile,

Friday, December 9, 2011

Winter Spirit Week!

So this week was winter spirit week. There wasn't much hype leading up to it so very few people dresses up. The one day that we did go all out for was today - Battle of the Sexes.

During the pep assembly they had 3 competitions to see "which was the better sex."

The first one was having two people from each winter sport share a pair of nylons. They tried to stuff mini balloons into them and walk across the gym and dump them in a box. They had 2 minutes to get as many balloons as possible. The girls won this event (I think it was the girl's basketball team, with the gymnastics team coming in second.)

Next there was a round of trivia. The girls go asked "boys" questions and the boys got asked "girls" questions. You can see the quotation marks means somethings up. The problem was that they used stereotypes to form the questions (I actual knew more of the "boys" questions than girls). The boys had questions about eyelash curlers and Victoria Secret. They also had a few easy ones like "What's the difference between a manicure and pedicure?" The girls questions were also pretty easy. They had questions about the super bowl and what a "pigskin" was. My friends were mad that they asked, "Which company makes the Xbox?" Which is natural because they're gamers. There questions stereotyped both sexes... Which is ridiculous. Both teams got 7 out of 7. It actually came down to a history question about the "Sun King" (who was King Loius the 14th, if you wanted to know.) The boys won this event.

If they had done this right, neither team should have gotten more than 5 points. (Of course, how does knowing interests of the other sex prove that your sex is better in the first place?)

Finally we did the "Miracle Two Minutes." Each gender got to pass 2 buckets around the stands to raise money for charity. This event came down to 2 dollars. The girls raised 132 dollars while the boys raise 134 dollars. (Though they didn't announce the two dollar difference to get us hyped up...)

The girls won the last event, which was being respectful during the assembly. (Though I think that whoever was down one point may have gotten this point so that they could have a tie...)

So the Battle of the Sexes came down to rock, paper, scissors (which is a stupid way to decide the "best sex." The girls won 2-1. And so the Battle of the Sexes was over.

I think that we can all agree that the real winners of this was all the people that will be helped with the 250 dollars we raised.

And if you wanted to know the other spirit days were:

Monday: No school
Tuesday: 80s neon day
Wednesday: Superhero day
Thursday: Western day
Friday: Battle of the Sexes (girls wear gold and boys wear green)

So that was winter spirit week.

Also happening at school is candygram selling. I didn't even know that they still did things like this. You pay 50 cents to send a note and candy cane to your friends (it even includes a "special delivery.") My lunch table sits right next to the selling table, and it seems to be doing pretty good.

A homeroom food drive for the holiday season is also going on. The top 3 winning classes will get a doughnut or pancake party. My homeroom teacher says that she'll match any of our donations up to 50 cans. We'll see how the results turn out (though my science teacher says that freshman honor classes usually win because they donate a lot.)

There's also a lunar eclipse tonight/tomorrow morning but that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

One more thing, readers make sure to go to YA Sisterhood   and take part in their heroine tournament. They're pitting our favorite fictional heroines against each other.

I'll try to update later,

PS. I'm getting my Christmas tree this weekend... just though that I'd share that fact with you guys...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Book to Movie Adaptions...

With the new Twilight movie just released I thought I’d do a short post on book to movie adaptions (and yes, there will be spoilers)…

Harry Potter by JK Rowling
               I think that Harry Potter is probably the golden standard for book to movie adaptions (at least in more recent times). You have 7 books, 8 movies, and now Pottermore… it is a full blown phenomenon. The movies for the most part followed the plot set forth in the books (yes people could get nitpicky and say they left parts out but I haven’t read all seven books so I can’t really comment on that). The other great part of the Harry Potter movies was that there were only cast changes if they really had to change them… Most of the main cast stayed for all 8 movies. If this didn’t work out then the Harry Potter franchise could have turned out differently (Of course the cornucopia of talented British actors also helped).

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
               Twilight gets a lot of hate (but the most recent movie is also been the #1 movie two weeks in a row). On the front of book to movie adaptions it actual isn’t that horrible. Yes, the sparkle effect is a little cheesy but then you’re trying to make someone sparkle it’s going to be cheesy. The love triangle is a little exaggerated in the movies and the acting is only so-so but they did follow the basic plot line (unlike this next book to movie adaption).

Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan
               First I should start off by saying that I really loved the Percy Jackson series. The movie was decent except for the fact that it didn’t follow the book… at all. First there actors were too old (If you were wondering the main cast is supposed to be 12 in the first book...) Next they left out one of the characters who is pretty important in the second book (Were they even aiming to have a sequel). Finally they didn’t follow the plot. They used 10% of the actual plot, left out some if my favorite scenes, and… Well I’m going to stop here because I could go on and on. If you’re interested the Percy Jackson Wiki lists some differences here

Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
               This is the next “big” teen book trying to break into the movie making business. I’ve been following the hype leading up to its release (March 23, 2012). You can see the full length trailer here. Will this take off like Harry Potter or crash and burn like Percy? My current opinion is that it has all the ingredients to be great… Will it? Well that’s TBD…

So give me your opinion. Do you like me doing reviews and want me to do more? Who knows this could become a regular thing (and feel free to give me ideas on stuff to review)…

I’ll be back sometime later to get you caught up on what’s happening at school (it’s been over a month since I’ve given you an actual update on my life).

So over and out (for now)…


PS. Congrats to everybody who was able to finish Nanowrimo!

Friday, November 11, 2011


It's 11-11-11 11:11! YAY!

Monday, October 31, 2011


Sorry for not updating... but this will be a quick post...

It's that time in my life where I have to decide whether or not to go trick-or-treating... and this year is officially my first year not going... it's weird...

Anyway... I guess I'll just spend it at home - hanging out...

I'll try to update later... but until later have a Happy Halloween


PS. For all my writing blog readers it's also Nanowrimo eve... Good luck writers...