Monday, September 10, 2012


It's the first day of Sophomore year...

Sometimes you can't help but wonder where all the time has gone. I'm still having a hard time believing that freshman year is over. My cousin is starting middle school. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday we were having a joint birthday party while wearing princess tiaras.

Yesterday we celebrated my youngest cousin's second birthday. You can't help but to ask yourself where all the time has gone...

I have to catch the bus in 45 minutes to start a brand new year. (Pro of not being a freshman - the first day of school doesn't start until 12:30).

A lot has changed in the past year. I'm never going to get to relive my freshman year of high school again. The next the Summer Olympics come around I'll have graduated high school. I guess that growing up isn't just one day you're a kid and the next you're an adult. It's a slow process that comprises of every moment in our lives.

It's amazing how fast life goes when you're living it. 

I have to go get ready. I'll try to get this blog back on some kind of schedule.

Until next time, and to a great year,

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I'm Still Alive...

Hey there Blogosphere,

I'm still alive, I know this blog has been dead for about 6 months but I'm hoping to get started posting again soon.

I have about 3 weeks of freshman year left and things are getting really busy. One of my teachers actually made the analogy that we were a train headed for a brick wall and we wouldn't be stopping, we'd be crashing into it. So you could say I'm pretty busy.

I have some ideas for this blog in the future like shorter but more frequent posts. Also I'd love to start doing reviews and adding tags to my posts.

These 3 weeks are going to pass so quickly and then I'm done with 1/4 of my high school experience (and it feels like I haven't done anything.)  

I really should be getting back to work soon but I'll try to update later this week (but then again no promises.)

(Hopefully I'll) see you in a while blogophile,