Monday, November 30, 2015

The Last Post (Probably)

What's up Blogosphere?

I've obviously not posted on this blog for quite some time (and by that I mean literal years). A lot has changed over the past few years - for one I'm now in college. We've skipped over the the entirety of junior and senior year of high school (and two more trips to England - remember when I said that this was going to be a travel blog of my trips? Yeah... that never happened).

This blog contains a lot of good memories for me, and although some of the posts were far apart, it documents some of my best middle school and high school adventures (and some of that I rather forget- let's be serious it was middle school). Sometimes I wish that I'd kept up with the whole blogging thing. It would have been interesting to see how a Blogging Me would have interpreted college applications (Answer: not well. Two words: stress and procrastination).

This is probably the end for So Very Average Middle Schooler/High Schooler. This is a bittersweet moment for me, because this blog was basically my entrance into the internet world. I hope that this site still exists years from now and I'll be able to look back on all of these entries (it would be fun, almost like a time capsule, but also probably also really embarrassing).

That being said, this blog may have introduced me to the internet, but I certainly have not left it. If you want to keep up with what I'm doing here's a short list of where I can be found now:

Main Tumblr:

This is my main tumblr blog. I mostly reblog things about fandoms I'm in. (Also, look at the sweet homage to this blog in the name. I guess that this place stuck with me.)

Side Tumblr:

This is my side tumblr where I post out of context tidbits of my college life. I have a history of starting projects that I don't finish, but it's currently going on two months of actual posts.


This is my Youtube channel where I attempted to post videos for a while, but then sort of stopped (that sounds like a familiar story). I hope to go back to it someday because I genuinely enjoyed making videos.

Instagram: @SoVeryAverageMe

This is my Instagram account, sometimes I post pictures of my life, usually with long stretches of time in between them (okay, so maybe I have a really, really bad history with projects that I start, but don't finish. I get it, okay?).

So that's where I am now. So Very Average Middle Schooler turned into SoVeryAverageMe (it was directly inspired by an acronym from SVAMS sans the second "S").

One of the things that always bothered me about this blog was that I left it so open-ended - that this blog had no sense of closure. I hated that I left this blog with the intention of coming back (although - it turns out that Past Me wasn't wrong, just off by a few years). At times I've actually felt a little guilty about it - this is to assuage my guilt.

This blog's time has come to a close, but my so very average life hasn't - if you want to keep up with me, check out any of the above sites. (Also, I'm really enjoying writing this blog entry - maybe it's time to get back into the blogging game? I think that might be a project for another day).

So this is it. Thanks for sticking with me all this time.

Signing off for the last time on this blog (well... probably - I can't predict the future),
SoVeryAverageMe (formerly known as SVAMS)

PS. Come on, I couldn't leave this off without one more "PS." But seriously, I've been reading some of the old entries and it's amazing how far I've come (hopefully as a slightly better writer, some of the old entries are pretty cringe-worthy. Also - Past Me, what is with this font?) Okay, I should seriously end this thing now. Thanks all.