Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dear Uncle Denver,

Now I'm sure your all wondering the "real" reason that I've finally updated this blog, well it goes something like this...

We are planning a family cruise for late August to Alaska. Most of my dad's side is coming except his oldest brother (my Uncle Denver). So here's one last try to get him to come on this "family" cruise. So without a further a do...

Dear Uncle Denver,

Here is why you should come...

Main reasons to come:
  • Lola doesn't have years and years to do this. She is over 85 years old and she's running out of time. She's going to die - let her have this last hurrah, the entire family in one place, at the same time, making memories (I don't his has happened since before your other niece was born).
  • It's a family cruise. It can't be a family cruise unless the entire family comes.
  • Rooms are based on double occupancy. This means even if you don't come we'll still have to pay for your room.
  • If it's financial reasons that you won't come, well there's a solution for that too. Lola is paying for the bulk of it and I've even offered to pay for your plane ticket.
  • I get you're trying to work things out with Auntie but she's here in Seattle and you're in Denver. Working things out works better if your face to face.
  • If you feel Auntie is going to feel left out well, she's been invited. If she wants to come she is welcome to come.
  • While we're on the subject - I miss her too. I haven't seen her for over at least 3 years. It would be great to get reacquainted. Also if she's the reason you won't come - I've heard that she's given you permission to come. Don't let her hold you back.
  • I've said that I won't come unless you come. We'll be missing you along with me. (Now it definitely can't be called a family cruise).
  • Think of all the memories we'll make and all the fun we'll have (Don't make me photo-shop your head into all the pictures.)
  • I can't imagine this trip without you. Were family, stuck together whether we like it or not. So come with us, one week, one boat, a million memories.

Uncle Denver if your reading this right now please reconsider your decision (and call so we can talk). Both your nieces want you on this trip (the other is just not as stubborn to make you come - but don't worry I'll be nagging enough for the both of us). Your not just my uncle, your my godfather. How am I suppose to enjoy this if your stuck at home? (Now I remember, I'm not going unless you do.) This cruise is in no way complete without you. I know that the others have talked with you, but PLEASE, PLEASE come with us.

I know times are hard and life is crazy but Uncle Denver, family helps. Even in the darkest of times we will be there for each other. We need this adventure, and all of us want you along for the ride.

In December when I last saw you I basically said I was cancelling this blog - but you brought me back. I restarted this for you and our family. This trip will only come around once, by saying no you limit your possibilities and will forever wonder "What if." There is no time like the present - so please come.

You are a part of our lives. I don't care what is going on in Denver or Seattle or how complicated this whole entire situation has got. It comes down to this, this is a trip for all of us (including you.) We'll find adventure, fun, and maybe what it means to be a family.

We need you! So please let me hear the ringing of a phone with your voice saying, "See you August."

This would mean the world to me and our family. So one last chance... I beg of you to change your mind. PLEASE go with us. This experience wouldn't be the same without you. I said it once and I'll say it again - WE NEED YOU!

With all my love and hope,
SVAMS (Your 8th grade niece)

P.S. Please call - if this doesn't convince I'll just have to do it in person.


So... I "forgot" about this blog for the last 4 months.

Right now I'm on mid-winter break. Today I took the ACT (to get into a summer program), tomorrow and Thursday I have to do job shadows (that is if the Seattle weather holds up), and Friday - homework. My break of relaxing is over.

On another note, check out this awesome website for teen writers: Figment.

So coming up in school we have our 8th grade science fair, the spring open house, and high school registration. Looks like the excitement is still to come...