Monday, October 4, 2010

Officially off Hiatus

So this blog has been put on the backburner for the first month of school. I'll try to update but with homework, social life, and pure laziness who knows.

Here are some of the highlights from my first month of school:
  • The football team had to make a public apology for their behavior. I won't go into the details but let's say they made our lunch lose our free-time.
  • Someone tried to take our usual lunch table and then one of my friends made a move to take it back.
  • Our cross country, football, and softball teams are undefeated in week 2. (not to mention our football team beat last years record with 2 wins.)
  • I magically finished Pride and Prejudice in time and my essay was finished.
  • I have friends in most of my classes.
  • Me and my friends wanted to start a "Senior Bucket List." (a list of everything we want to do in senior year. Some of the ideas were plan ridiculous)
Let's move on to something more current. Me and another one of my friends want to write a script/book about if 120 students were locked in the gym and had to fight out for survival. A modern day "Hunger Games." We also thought of all these weapons you could have using school/gym supplies. One idea was to use white out as chloroform. Another was to use the plastic jump ropes as whips. We thought the plot would be a really good idea for a movie.

Peace, love, and middle school.